__LETTER OF MARQUE for the Cap'n Charlie ______________________________________
__LETTER OF MARQUE for the Cap'n Charlie ______________________________________
. It was official government permission to attack enemy ships & rob any of your ladies heart. This particular one was granted to Captain Charlie @ KapasPirateKing,,,,,,,, a rather infamous Privateer with his hideaway paradise at Kapas Island, somewhere in the South China Sea.
Al Abbas the father and by the grace of God, King of South East Asia Kingdom, Malaysia, Thailand, Combodia and Vietnam, defender of the unfaithed & coy. To our blood trusty and well beloved Capt. Charlie, commander of the same for the time being, and unto the commander of the said ship for the time being, and unto the officers, mariners, and others which shall be under your command, full power and authority to apprehend, seize, and take into your custody, as all such pirates, free-booters, and sea-rovers, being either our subjects, or of other nations associated with them, which you shall meet with upon the seas or coasts, with all their ships and vessels, and all such merchandizes, money, goods, and wares as shall be found on board, or with them, in case they shall willingly yield themselves; but if they will not yield without fighting, then you are by force to compel them to yield.
Al Abbas the father and by the grace of God, King of South East Asia Kingdom, Malaysia, Thailand, Combodia and Vietnam, defender of the unfaithed & coy. To our blood trusty and well beloved Capt. Charlie, commander of the same for the time being, and unto the commander of the said ship for the time being, and unto the officers, mariners, and others which shall be under your command, full power and authority to apprehend, seize, and take into your custody, as all such pirates, free-booters, and sea-rovers, being either our subjects, or of other nations associated with them, which you shall meet with upon the seas or coasts, with all their ships and vessels, and all such merchandizes, money, goods, and wares as shall be found on board, or with them, in case they shall willingly yield themselves; but if they will not yield without fighting, then you are by force to compel them to yield.
And we also require you to bring, or cause to be brought, such pirates, free-booters, or sea-rovers, as you shall seize, to a legal trial, to the end they may be proceeded against according to the law in such cases.
And we do hereby command all our officers, ministers, and other our loving subjetcs whatsoever, to be aiding and assisting to you in the premises. And we do hereby enjoin you to keep an exact journal of your proceedings in execution of the premises, and set down the names of such pirates, and of their officers and company, and the names of such ships and vessels as you shall by virtue of these presents take and seize, and the quantities of arms, ammunition, provision, and lading of such ships, and the true value of the same, as near as you can judge.
And we do hereby strictly charge and command you, as you will answer the contrary at your peril, that you do not, in any manner, offend or molest our friends or allies, their ships or subjects, by colour or pretence of these presents, or the authority thereby granted.
In witness whereof, we have caused our great seal of the Royal Malay State of Terengganu to be affixed to these presents. Given at our court in Ulu Marang, the 13th day of January, 1991, in the 13th year of our reign.
Yo ho hoo,,,,,,welcome to Capt’s Longhouse, Kapas island, Terengganu, ,,,,,,,PiRate IsLand.