Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stop the blame game please, MELAYU wake up.

,,,its not just about capitalist sytem etc etc and its flaws but i guess there is more to it.

,,,the basic feudalism of malay society is what needs addressing by the existing leadership i.e. the elite political putrarajas since they have kind of robbed that role from the malay sultan rajas.
...If the value system and ethical code needs changing then either these political leaders lead or its up to new leadership like the likes of you and many others to show the way by good examples.
,,, Such in a feudal society of ours, leadership plays indeed a BIG role. Its also about time that the islamic faith be properly interpreted to our malay brothers/sisters without fear or favor. Islam don't just belongs to the malays in this country too.
...Most unfortunately the present malay society indeed needs therapeutic diagnosis and assistence, such is the desperate situation in which most present malays find themselves but there is no one to turn too readily. So very unfortunately, they can easily be taken advantage of and dominated by dirty politicians and the likes.
,,,In actual fact, all of MALAYSIAN inter-racial society needs such a review, in the attempt to pinpoint our basic faults that must be corrected or adjusted to help progress forward for a better nation.
,,,In a nut shell, we just need high quality matured leadership with high morality and sincerity to lead us. Its not a MALAY problem but a MALAYSIAN subject issue to be REVIEWED honestly with the RIGHT POLITICAL WILL.