Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The perils of sharing and socialising as a Blogger.

In this timeless plus borderless human activity of socialising via the net, it has begin to cause a lot of grief to some ,,,,,,,,,unfortunately !!!!!!!.
The fashionable term for it is "sharing". In the process and new context, one starts to volunteering personal information that previously used to be considered off-limts/private to all but the most intimate friends/relatives but that is now taking on a life of its own yaaaa !!!!!.

People have always tried to manage their reputation and indeed today's IT tool plus network give them powerful tools to do just that.

So most people participate and share enthusiastically as a rational action,,,,,but the problem is that they quickly lose that control. Some of the information will be eventually be used for something else from its original intent and purpose.

Trust me, if you are the "Paranoia Type" about privacy don't be a blogger in this internet era !
Who and how to hold anyone accountable for any breaches of privacy ?.

The enemy within and the most ignored of the bigger danger is ourselves !.

Does that mean that it is prudent to opt out of Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Flickr, You Tube and the likes ?. Probably not bcas participation has indeed become almost automatic and its the "in" thing,,,,,,,,,hahaha.

The only remaining choice is whether or not to inject our own perspective, within our blog, into this never ending stream of narratives, to preserve whatever control remains in presenting our own image.

The wise will still share things about himself/herself but one must also become more hyper-sensitive about sharing collateral information about others, in the hope that reciprocity and a new etiquette will eventually limit everybody's vulnerability, including one's own.