Friday, May 29, 2009

Nuclear Proliferation

Threat of nuclear annihilation.

One thing that I can safely and confidently predict in 2009 is that nuclear weapons will not be abolished as yet!. Would it be just wonderful in theory to remove the threat of nuclear annihilation once and for all in this modern era?.

While there this growing talk about out-right abolition is the world’s failure to achieve the much more modest objective of preventing new countries from joining the nuclear club.

The haves (USA, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan) must learn that unless they themselves talk about their own eventual disarmament, how can the have-nots will agree in preventing further proliferation in the nuclear race ?.

The basic grievance of the have-nots is that the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty does not require the haves to give up their nuclear powers and existing arsenals!.
Indeed, if the haves show no sign of living up to this side of the bargain, the haves-nots’ resentment will only grow bigger.
Countries like Iran and North Korea will become less and less willing to agree to the sharper inspections that will be needed as nuclear know-how and materials spread more widely across the world at large.

In fact, if the haves decide to abolish their nuclear weapons, the practical difficulties of doing so would be really immense.

Is abolition just a pipe dream ?.

Unfortunately, I see lots of hypocrisy, the haves will pretend to believe in abolition and the have-nots may pretend to believes them. ,,,,,,,hahaha what a big laugh yaaaaa.



By Capt on May 28, 2009 11:29 PM


For the Extremists it is necessary to turn the country into a cementry in order to pacify it !.

What we all Malaysian must remember is that the fall of any empires is always dangerous and seldom leads to the tranquil properity that their enemies anticipate !.

Lets all right thinking Malaysian, ensure that the extremists wish list be checked in the bud.

Please,,,,,,, take it easy TUN, we all are indeed listening/watching very closely what our politicians are a calling nowadays !!!!!!.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Alternative Energy in Malaysia

Dear Tun,

Slowly but surely, alternative energy technologies are starting to become mainstream.

Even on Kapas Island we are using Solar Energy for our electricity-lah nowadays but unfortunately its rate at rm1.60 per unit is really too bloody expensive for us poor islanders to shoulder !. Can you help us here ? ,,,,,hahaha.

Wind power is also growing and about 1% of the World's energy is already generated by the wind too.
Apparently, it is expected to rise to 10% by 2020. Your Vision 2020 does not cater for this unfortunately !!! yaaaaaa.
Another good sign is the use of electric car and more and more models are becoming available and perhaps you can advise Proton to seriously look into this too ?.

The idea is to end dependency on import oil or trying to get it from nuclear ways plus to achieve zero-carbon sources.
In Malaysia there is plenty of potential for solar power, which will be environmental friendly plus benefiting too.
With our abundant sunshine, solar power should grow in importance. If NOT why NOT ?.

Perhaps with a special plant that works by employing heat from the sun to make steam and thus drive a generator, rather than using expensive solar cells to produce electricity directly ?.
In fact, solar cells are not going away, they are being deployed faster than wind turbines and apparently the amount of electricity they generate is growing by the day.

Biofuels, the other green alternatives to petrol and diesel, are also made ultimately from sunlight, via the plant-building process of photosynthesis !.

No doubt, we will see some interesting changes in the World of Energy-lah.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mahathirism ,,,,,"The Good, Bad and Ugly ?"

Dear Tun,

Firstly, you are my/our hero,,,,,,,a true Moderate Malaysian Revolutionish in your own special ways !.

Like many other revolutions, there are constant competition between relatively moderate leaders and the extremists, and most unfortunately normally the extremists always won.

BUT, not in your case, you/we WON as a true moderate in the Malaysian manner and style.

I salute you Tun,,,,,,,,,, YES indeed, you are like a father to all of us.

We fought against the Japanese invasion/Communist terrorists/Confrontation/Racial Riots and all of us loyal citizen won, and now all Malaysian can live in peace, so I call for all citizen that we all have a stake in the success of Malaysia.

Lets play our part proactively for the future generation to live in peace and end with our success story ,,,,O.K. ?.

Be proud of your Mahathirism !!!! ,,,,,,,,,,its an honour TUN. Be proud and stand tall always yaaaa.



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The perils of sharing and socialising as a Blogger.

In this timeless plus borderless human activity of socialising via the net, it has begin to cause a lot of grief to some ,,,,,,,,,unfortunately !!!!!!!.
The fashionable term for it is "sharing". In the process and new context, one starts to volunteering personal information that previously used to be considered off-limts/private to all but the most intimate friends/relatives but that is now taking on a life of its own yaaaa !!!!!.

People have always tried to manage their reputation and indeed today's IT tool plus network give them powerful tools to do just that.

So most people participate and share enthusiastically as a rational action,,,,,but the problem is that they quickly lose that control. Some of the information will be eventually be used for something else from its original intent and purpose.

Trust me, if you are the "Paranoia Type" about privacy don't be a blogger in this internet era !
Who and how to hold anyone accountable for any breaches of privacy ?.

The enemy within and the most ignored of the bigger danger is ourselves !.

Does that mean that it is prudent to opt out of Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Flickr, You Tube and the likes ?. Probably not bcas participation has indeed become almost automatic and its the "in" thing,,,,,,,,,hahaha.

The only remaining choice is whether or not to inject our own perspective, within our blog, into this never ending stream of narratives, to preserve whatever control remains in presenting our own image.

The wise will still share things about himself/herself but one must also become more hyper-sensitive about sharing collateral information about others, in the hope that reciprocity and a new etiquette will eventually limit everybody's vulnerability, including one's own.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Criticism in Malaysia but be constructive-lah !

Can I shut-up for once ?. Will you too !!!!!!!

There are of course times when it is prudent to say nothing, but there are also times when it is better to voice what's on your mind. To say we should always shrink from criticism is just as wrong as saying that nothing positive should ever pass our lips.

The main problem is not criticism, but understanding how to deal with it and build on it. Malaysians often can't deal with criticism because those who criticise only know how to criticise, and the criticised don't know how to respond. Because we are so averse to dissent and disagreement, we do not know how to handle it gracefully, and we rarely see the right response as fixing the problem which led to the issue in the first place.

There is a lot of criticism out there that is simply not right — criticism from people who are just out there to be jerks and assholes, rather than actually contribute. But that does not invalidate criticism from people who do want problems solved. The trouble with our society is that we often appear not to realise this.

The appropriate response to criticism is to see if the problem is real, and try to solve it. If we can do something about it — whether that be writing to the Education Ministry or organising a dialogue with a local councillor — great. If we can't, too bad.

Let's not take criticism personally; let's not take it as an insult, even when it is.

Ignore the useless criticism, and be glad for the useful brickbats you do get. Our country will be much better off for it.

Let’s take criticism as something constructive rather than destructive,,,,,,, yaaaaaa ?.

Note to Blogger Rocky Bru & all Malaysian

Anonymous said...

We must stop talking about our differences either by race/color/faith but just concentrate on moving forward positively !

Am not trying to hide anything but there are better issues that you/me/us can discuss rather than making matters from bad to worst-lah.

Malaysia plus life with-in her, is what we make out of it, opportunities aplenty, just be creative to survive and stop blaming others but to look within oneself.

Its just that simple and you ,,,,,,,Mr. Rocky can lead such forum effectively from today onwards. You have lots of readers/fans/friends plus some not so friendly characters reading/commenting on your blog, so grab this wonderful opportunity to make this World n Malaysia a better place for all.

Am apolitical by nature but just cannot run away from it, politiking in Malaysia has lost its direction unfortunately, I pray everyone will realise this soonest/asap and concentrate on contributing their fair share for the sake of our future generation and country.

I love Malaysia and everyone bcas we are a big family, lets seriously work to make everyday really worth it.

Dear, Brothers/sisters/fathers/mothers we are a BIG Malaysian family. Yooooo man !!!!

Capt's Longhouse

1:22 PM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Reply to Matt Candana 287

Hi all,,,

The beauty in Matt’s write-up is the way its put across !. From deep down his heart and bloody sincere and truthfull about it.

As for me, am just leading my own life and opening to those that wants to change for the better !. I enjoy living and challenges/adventures but at the same time sharing it with friends new or old.

“Been there done that ” is one of my motto in life.

Can be dangerous too at times bcas certain events are very very challenging plus very technical like diving/flying/para/caving/hunting etc.

With regards to people - am kind of committed to assisting those substance abuse individuals since having the sad experience of loosing family members to its battle. But its up to the individual, we can’t force the issue or on corrective action. They must want to change b4 it can happen.

How ?,,,best by showing respect to all and set oneself as a living example kind of,,,Yes, just be your honest self !. Never try to be a hero or someone different yaaaa.

In fact, I never preach but just practice,,,walk the talk ?. Kind off-lah, come live with me and lets earn the food on the table together.

Fortunately, money is not important to me as long as we have enough to keep our ship afloat.

In actual truth, I have not made any profit in terms of $ and cents but have to constantly dig into my savings all these years to support my lifestyle/others there,,, hehehe.

But am happy and bloody healthy !!!!! that is enough for me, what more can a man ask ?…other than free fresh air n sunshine !!!!

And YES,,,,,,,,, am learning from everyone everyday too.

Now learning to be a sport fisherman too from the experts in Trengganu.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,Just fish for our own consumtion only and not for the market-lah.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Life and Living is great,,,,,,,,,,,Allah’s gift, don’t waste it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Bershukor-lah selalu yaaaaa.

And Matt,,,,pls don’t reply immediately,,,YES to say “NO” hahaha. We all understand-lah.

Am no hero too,,,,just remember that.