Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sharing my thoughts again if anyone cares.

Just thinking and figuring out ??.

,,,,,we are in the same boat-lah O.K. ??.

,,,Just thinking out loud as to Why and Where and When events happened and What we all have to be aware of from PAST, PRESENT and hopefully for the FUTURE of our beloved country, beautiful & wonderful Malaysia !.
,,,By nature, I seek clarity first b4 we would move forward together to find possible solution, as such pls read on if you are interested-lah,,,,,,,,,,!!
,,,Mind you, this world has NEVER been at peace since time memorial. Too many great wars have indeed shaken nations and perhaps some lesser conflicts that have afflicted the world at large have indeed sometimes subsided BUT again and again flared up with MONSTROUS conflagration....Wars have never ceased ever yaa !!. Unfortunately bitter animosities between countries still persist and blindly or cunningly or silently frantically or even unknowly preparing for new war !!.
,,,More than 40 odd countries presently in the world are in the unshaking grip of war, rebellion, foreign infiltation, terrorism or endemic banditry. Great many are just holding on or just maintaining a fragile peace that could/would shatter at any moment in time. Timing is the only factor holding things together or perhaps apart !.
,,,The bloodiest of the most recent conflicts on the civilian population must be the foreign infiltation in Iraq, now followed closely in Alghanistan, next in line Pakistan. (Lets just skip the Middle East for a break !!....never ending human tragedy) So far NOTHING decisive been accomplished, at enormous cost for almost NOTHING. Both the political or military solutions are not working and problems remain unsolved, in fact increasing by the hour. NIL lessons learnt to-date from past experience - rather frustrating plus unfortunate but that's the reality in humanity....perhaps even God forbids peace for human beings ?....only God knows !.
,,,Mind you, there have been at least 90 wars since 1945 only if you care to count. Resulting in the deaths of between 20 to 40 million people according to UN Count alone, guess in reality the numbers can be anywhere higher ?. Tens of millions been driven from their dear homes and homeland. Apparently there are well over 40 millions more refugees in the world today at this very moment in time !. The UN again estimated that about 20 millions of internal refugees in foreign lands and about 20 millions of internal refugees - that is people having to fled their homes to escape danger or even death and in some cases extreme poverty just for basic survival needs.
,,,YET, again most UNFORTUNATELY from data gathered, most of the conflicts in the world today are between PEOPLE and RACES as compared between nations and even fewer are ideological. If anything, the world has become more violent, indeed with each succeeding decade since World War 2 onwards until today in real time.
,,,HUMANITY is still adapting to the DISAPPEARANCE of the empires that kept the so called peace before the Second World War - a tranquility imposed at the point of a bayonet, intended to prevent the EXPLOITATION of brown, black and yellow people by white man !!. As so being claimed by the then master race or victors of other nations. Such were the glories of victory to satisfy one's ego or to justify one's misdeeds, in actual fact an act of piracy, seconded by greed to rob, plunder the world for their selfish hidden agenda.
,,,The eventual decline of the empires was inevitable !. It just only required a small or tiny class of people in any of these colony to ask itself, as to WHY it should be governed by foreigners, and that the advance of education that produced that challenging class everywhere. An educated class can act as an hazard at the right time and place, anytime, anywhere too. (Should I remind the POWERS in high offices here that we now have great numbers of such class too ?.)
,,,Wars between nations are generally caused by territorial disputes, ideological rivalry, a strong lust for conquest by their swell headed leaders, and occasionally by just plain stupidity plus diplomatic imcompetence by those in position. There have been indeed wars of all these kinds since the Second World War but unfortunately the threat of more hangs over a good part of the globe today. Indeed, again humanity has not changed its ways in the art of wars and killings.
,,,FORTUNATELY as for ideological war, they have very much diminished in recent years. What changed is the new term called "TERRORISM" has taken centre stage and a new role in war.
Terrorism is indeed the cancer of our modern world using primitive methods to instill fear to everyone. No state is immune to it. Similarly like cancer, unless properly treated drastically, its growth is inexorable, until it poison and engulfs the whole society on which it feeds and drags it together to final destruction. "Terrorism is said to be the deliberate and systematic murder, maiming and mancing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends". The usual apologia for terrorism is that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter", which is perfectly true and perfectly irrelevant ; I would say, "MURDER is not justified by sticking a different label on it yaa !!"
,,,The political justification - the claim that the end justiflies the means - is a debate crucial for fighting terrorism, and unfortunately it has not been resolved as yet to-date.
,,,Also there are many differences between terrorist groups. Some seek out what they would consider as "enemy targets", usually military/police. A few take great pains to avoid killing innocent people but others deliberately choose civilians as their primary targets. By all counts, they are all terrorists, however many might misconstrue the situation. The very word terrorist itself comes from "TERROR" - shall I need to further explain ?. (o.k. lets dig deeper into these new hazards or what some calls war against terrorism b4 it spread its wings into our society at large).
,,,There are three basic broad bands or categories (in fact more so-lah) of independent terrorist movements in the world as it is ; those inspired by Political fervour or even Fascistism movements; those inspired by Nationalism or Ethnic grivances and finally those inspired by Religion or in most case so identified or called/termed by the existing western culture, i.e. Islamic Jihadist. Maybe, If i can add the fourth category is terrorism directed/supported by Governments in the latest term it justifies itself as WAR AGAINST TERRORISM by invading other nation or state !. Geeee.
AND finally but not the end as yet, a new treat from individual lunatics or self proclaimed revolutionist and they are by far worse than the other types of terrorists as mentioned above. A growing numbers, if you care to read some of their crazy/lunatic comments in the internet nowadays. The authorities should rightfully vet them and sent them for proper medical treatment for their own good as well for sane reading peace for the rest of us. !!.
,,,O.K.-lah, lets just get back into our country's brief and short history within the last century only. The last traces of the communist insurgency warfare sputtered along the jungles at the Thai/Malaysian border area or frontier and the final communist party signing of a treaty just in 1989 to end their bloody arm struggle with the Malaysian government. The "Confrontation" with Indonesia that subsided, very much ended before it really started into a full blown war, however both countries are now allied in ASEAN. There were serious Racial riots in Kuala Lumpur in particular in May 1969, in which unfortunately hundreds of innocent people from all sides of society were killed or injured, but then the 3 main so called malaysian communities have worked pretty hard to reduce social inequities plus racial tensions which were fueled by opportunists, taken advantage of by the communist party of Malaya, gangsters/thugs and indeed by racist politicians of the worst order. Also, not to forget that during the Malayan emergency period that the Dayaks Trackers from Sarawak/Borneo then helped to battle the communist insurgency with the British forces in peninsula Malaya. (Thanks brothers !.)
,,,FORTUNATELY we all Malaysian have been notably more successful than for example the people of Sri Lanker with their on-going war with the Tamil Tigers. At this moment in time, Malaysia is still in a bastion of stability and that ethnic harmony in a dangerous world....but will it last forever ?. Malaysia has a special role in an account of comtemporary conflicts. The only country in the world to withstand or defeat an communist insurgency. Indeed the Malaysian experience is truely unique. The essential or main difference with the Malaysian experience was that the majority of the Chinese did not actively support the communist terrorists and were just trying their level best to survive in their new adopted land and were proactively separated from them terrorists in their "New Villages", while the majority of the population Malays, actively opposed the communists as anti-Islamic. Generally the Malays were the bulk of the military personnel plus in the Police or as government servants, they formed the "Home Guards" and defended their villages/kampungs and with help from the Dayak Trackers plus the British Forces drove the communists by the time of Independence, the communist terrorists were driven across the border into Southern Thailand as their safe heaven. The majority of the communist terrorists were generally Chinese but there were also Malay too in their party's armed struggle which unfortunately until today our local Malaysian are not really fully aware of or just in the state of denial. To be fair and honest, the Malaysian government has always treated the various separatists movement in Southern Thailand and closer to Sabah, the Phillipine separatist, more so bandit elements very cautiously and kept an arm length away from direct involvement, in fact playing a Moderator role as and when requested to do so. Rumours have it that certain politicians then, were directly involved but apparently it was on a private agenda that the Malaysian government would like not to get involved with or perhaps kept an blind eye on ?. Politics being politics, I have much reasons not to trust any of them as such would remain apolitical.
,,,As in many anti-terrorist campaigns, the Malaysian Armed Forces and Police are faced with a real dilemma, in-order to combat terrorism effectively and "restore law and order", they have to resort to measures in winning "Hearts and Minds" of the local people plus the chinese workers of the plantations and tin mines into "new villages". All the squatters along the jungle fringes plus plantations/mines provided the "SEA" in which the CTs "FISH" would/could swim un-noticed and by relocating them into new villages, securely under government control would eventually deplete the waters for the fishes. Indeed, technically very sound manner or smart strategy to starve off the enemy and keep their supply chain away since in the CTs warfare, its the hidden enemy which makes it very difficult to war on. The Malayan Emergency began in 1948, when the communist terrorists first victims were the European plantation managers and which later spread to government posts, police and military patrols in the rubber plantations and mining areas. In actual fact, it was really the "Hearts and Minds" that won the fight against the communist terrorists. It was never the the bullets or weapons that killed the spirit of the enemy, they were indeed a dedicated bunch of characters whom believed in their struggle and were also willing to sacrifice their freedom and life in the jungle where food and shelter plus medical facilities are on bare survival state at most. Unfortunately there were some that were conned into their fruitless struggle started off with the chinese fighting against the Japanese due to the continuation of animosities stirred up by the Japanese in main land China and after which after the Second World War, the Communist Party was banned by the British and Malayan Government as a political party. Before which, the British were actually arming/training these jungle fighters against the Japanese forces as their common enemy !.
,,,Very similar to terrorism but not so correct is the act of PIRACY !. Again its showing its ugly head in the Gulf of Aden plus not so frequently nowadays in the Straits of Malacca and South China Seas after the Tsunami in 2004 since the pirates lost most of their boats to mother nature herself !.

,,,HUMANITY's capacity for hartred/violence/murder/killings, not really plots of foreigners, will still ensure that the blood of the innocents will continue to flow. Hatred is not new !!.Hatred can be manifested in many different ways/means and many different places too.
,,,To all the POWERS ABOVE in name of politics/politicians, may I remind you guys that when the ordinary but educated citizens suddenly realised that they do not have to put up with it anymore, and that the government discovers that it no longer has the nerve and authority to impose it will. We might just end up with some major changes/reforms for better or for worse with or without the government direct control and it can be bloody dangerous if not realised or corrected immediately.
,,,Domestic political oppression cannot be maintained indefinitely......even the Soviet Union's collapse is perhaps inevitable just like the British Empire before it !!.

I would like to rest my case yaa,,,,,,thanks for reading, am now able to put to rest this subject issue and hope that the people of our beautiful country, Malaysia will again stand united and work together for the future generation and STOP this stupid political game of self interest and selfishness b4 its too late. The individual self too has a role to play in fairness, determination, perseverance and single-minded pursuit combined with focus, job-loving, spiritual flow, dedication, industriousness and the going for the extra miles.

,,,A life based on good attitude, discipline, religion, morals and righteousness is the basic foundation for love, peace, grace, gratitude, contentment, fulfilment, joy and lasting success.

,,,Finally, VALUES are equally commanding, cos what you value is what you think about, what you think about is what you bloody become !! ........yaa my brothers/sisters malaysian, we are in the same bloody boat-lah....same team same crew ,,,,,Yeop Oii !!!!!!. and am the PirateKing Yoohohoo !!....don't ever forget that hehehe ..well I might sound like a Preacher at times too !...Holy Shit !!.

,,,Just Relax be Cool.....yaa-lah I need a break too. Ha.Ha.Ha.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sharing 'my secret' experience on an Alouette 111

Rotor Diameter: 36ft (11.02m)Fuselage Length: 33ft 4.5in. (10.17m)Overall Length: 42ft 1.5in. (12.84m)Powerplant: 1 x 870shp Hal-Built Turbomeca Artouste 111BMax Take-Off Weight: 4850lbs (2200kg)Max Seating: 7Max Cruise: 113ktsRange: 270nm (500km)

,,,guess some of us would like to forget and forgive the past events that we all went through while in the service when times were indeed very hard plus losing many buddies killed in action !.
,,,in fact, i lost more than 20 pilots friends from the Airforce alone plus many many more from the Army and Police Field Force.,,,logged in my flying log book are 387 mercy flights alone if am not wrong if i can still remember correctly the numbers. The numbers of medevac/bodyvac/casevac are indeed frustrating to count or sad to recall cos. many were friends/buddies that i had made prior to their misadvanture while fighting against the god damn CTs, whereby nowadays there are people willing to bring back their killer leader Chin Peng back as an bloody hero !!
,,,guess, you can appreciate my inner feelings on this subject issue, i am willing to kill any of these guys on behalf of those that were killed back in those days.
,,,so why are we or people like me keeping to ourselves ?. We have served for King and Country i.e done our part, time is passing and theworld is changing. As such not much time to look at the past, its the present and limited future am living for. The business of life is to go forward..the world is advancing in the super fast lane-lah. Mana ada masa to go backwards my friend ??. ,,,Today's success may become tomorrow's ingredients for stagnation ..Yeop oii !!.
,,,we can't be trailing in the wake, otherwise we will be tools that have gone absolute, good only for the scrap yard.
Note ; in actual fact, i have many many stories of incidents/events that have yet to be penned down.
,,,Perhaps one of these days ? ....perhaps,,,,perhaps !!..but a lot of my past working records are still available and being utilized as protocols/standards etc presently, also nowadays incorporated into Aviation Safety Management System and Global Logistics Management Systems software too. (ASMS & GLMS)
,,,GUESS, am just taking a short break right now on the island b4 (if ever ?) coming back to the main stream as an active player in the game of living life in the city. hahaha !!. But but island life and living is keeping me healthy and much much more than in the real world out there.....yooo !
November 2, 2009 9:23 PM

Capt's Longhouse said...
,,, buddies !!... yoo again,,,sharing another 'untold experience' of an young Alouette pilot from 3 Sqn. Butterworth - back in 1974!...Date/time to be reconfirmed, till I find my log book again-lah....Was on special detachment with the Special Branch Chief himself at Fort Gemala for 2 x weeks in the jungle base as stand-by Alouette recce chopper but nothing happened for the first week and was invited for some fishing trip by the orang asli/police field force officer. So off I went, stripped down just in my shorts plus T shirt on their wooden sampan for fish bombing !.
,,,wow !!.. the ikan kelah was struggling after the 1st underwater blow-up and I jumped into the river to bring the fishes back but the strong current swept me across the other end ! Upon taking a BIG fish in hand, I stopped at the river edge for some rest and noticed some movements in the jungle!. Holy SHIT !!..CTs were watching us and I immediately swam across to the orang asli guide plus we all made our way back to base camp safely!!. The special Ops. was immediately launched and within the next couple of weeks, the security forces managed to kill/capture a few of the 40 odd CTs at that area.
,,,Guess what ??. One of the captured CTs a Malay guy (he looks like Mej Kalid Ali no kidding !.... hahaha !) from Kelantan, told me that he had his gun sight at me while I was on the sampan but thought that I was an orang asli and if only he knew that was the chopper pilot (meself) he would had pulled the trigger !. We had a great laugh and apparently he is now serving in the SB too, probably retired by now !!.
,,,So its not too bad to be with curly hairs and dark skin too hehehe..saved my day that day too.Very very stupid of me going out fishing but that was the normal thing to do by the SB personnel plus orang asli guides at all the jungle forts that we used to fly in/out then. Kept this experience or rather incident a personal secret from the Sqn/Flt. Commander, too scared that they might stop me from flying alone into the jungle again in support of Ops. Bamboo etc hahaha....boy OOO boy !! .....that was one crazy experience kept in my heart for the last 35 odd years ...Geee !! its no more my secret anymore....hehehe !! glad its out now...yooo !
November 10, 2009 10:32 AM

Sharing more "NURI" helicopter experience.

"Close Shave With Death"

Capt's Longhouse said...
,,,Yes, indeed Lt Col(R)/Capt. Chong Keng Lay is someone very special !. I remember first meeting him when I attended the Mines Warfare Course in PULADA, his men plus himself taught us how to disarmed booby traps (before joining RMAF he was with the Army Engineering Core). I was even invited for lunch at his home and got to know his beautiful family too !.(perhaps convinced him there to join us in the RMAF ! hehe but seriously, he was already very interested in flying then)
,,,Later, he surprised me when he joined us as an aircrew and flew bravely together into the heat of many battles against the CTs without fear or regrets. He as always will be there come rain or shine, with that smile in his face ever ready to serve or rather fly.
,,,Again, after his retirement from the Armed Forces, he joined us in the civil helicopter, 'dog eat dog' environment as an offshore helicopter pilot serving the nation indirectly/directly to nationalise the local helicopter market from being too dependent on foreign pilots that cost an arm and a leg of tax payers money !.
,,,I have lots of time and respect for this guy, he is an example to the rest of young Malaysian and if the nation needs an hero, please don't look too far !. We have got one typical guy here-lah. The real thing, not Hollywood/Bollywood stuff !!.I rest my case..and my salute to Capt. Chong again !!.

,,,O.K.-lah Guys !,,,while we awaits Capt. Chong KL to write his, perhaps you might want to know more about late Capt. Choo Yok Boon ....ref ;"The nation recognised our sacrifices by conferring bravery awards,,,in 1979; few received posthumously, eg, PGB for the late Capt (U) Choo YB and PTU for the late Lt (U) Chung Min Tat." ????....

,,,YES, indeed the late Capt. Choo YB relief aircrew from 7 Sqn. Kuching before being killed at Ops. Gubir, he was involved with another Thai/M'sia border Ops. with me from 10 Sqn. whereby he volunteered to be the "Dummy" chopper for the CTs to take pot shots at so that we can determine where from the damn CTs were shooting our chopper from !!. (actually he over-ruled me, for being more senior to take that particular role !!) Now, can you ever beat that ?. Talking about sacrifice and bravery and total dedication in defending this beloved country ??..this guy sandbagged his chopper and hovered just to be shot at !! ....and radio across for y chopper to abseil/winch down the troops accordingly to attack the CTs.
,,,with the Nuri carrying protective sandbags for the 12 x troops on board, my chopper was grossly over weight to hover out of ground effect as such we had to rest her belly on the tree branches, while the troops were abseiled/winched down or else we can't take-off safely or just have to jettison the sand bags in a hurry !.
,,,this technique of flight support were never written anywhere in our SOP as such we kept it to ourselves (o.k. am only now disclosing it ! hehe)but the troops were happy to have these kind of crazy Nuri aircrews that gave them the maximum support beyond the call of duty !.
,,,Indeed, it was Capt. Choo's idea to place his chopper as the target so that we could safely deploy our troops and surround the enemy. That special Ops. was indeed a big success and we brought back a couple of dead CTs as trophy.
,,,Unfortunately a few months later his chopper was shot down at Ops. Gubir and were killed together with everyone onboard.
,,,In fact, we were together that morning at RMAF Butterworth, all three of us - meself, Capt Choo and Lt (U) Chung were discussing "When, Where and How" to crash land the chopper in case of being shot down while we were having our morning shower !!. Maybe I will write more about the Ops. Gubir flight support whereby 21 of our choppers were shot at and Capt. Murad's 139 x bullets holed chopper that Capt Choo was supposed to help ferry back was unfortunately in vain on 27th April'76.
,,,Darm the CTs !! bloody guys killed my dear flying buddies..and if any body were to bring Chin Peng back, am still awaiting to settle the score !.. that is/was my last promise to late Capt. Choo & Lt(U) Chung, Kapt(U) Mustafa Kamel, Lt(U) Wan Munsif and Sgt Leong (Nuri helicopter was shot down in Ops. Gubir - 27/04/76)
November 3, 2009 9:13 PM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sharing my "NURI" helicopter experience

combat !!!!! yoo.ho.hoo
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my flying office ??. yoo.

Capt's Longhouse said...

,,,,just to tell you more about the Nuri and some of her hidden hazards, mine caught fire while night flying overhead PK (Pekan) with co-pilot Mat Sulong, firstly, we lost No.2 Gene as such were down to essential buss, remember it was pitch dark nite, yoo and then the Primary Hyd. was also lost !
,,,things were getting bad to worse and the smell of burning oil plus smoke covered the cabin/cock-pit too ! From "Pan to Mayday call" were made BUT we could not make an immediate emergency landing since we also lost the No 1 Generator soon after !. Geee...!!
,,,nil ac electricity except for dc emergency buss bar and no landing lights to aid for an landing away from the Kuantan airfield, which we were aiming for and snaking in !! ...using the street lights plus moving cars and finally the airfield lightings as ref. ,,,,,,(it was the craziest flight of my entire life..Yeop Oii !!,,,,,but I flew the darm ass burning chopper for God's sake,,,"just fly her" I kept telling meself all along the ride of Hell !!)
,,,Crew chief could not contain the fire at the rear of the MGB cos. of the bottom I ordered him to axe it away, which he managed to with almost bare hands plus me having to fly without AFCS and only stand-by horizon with smoky cock-pit blinding eyes & lungs !

,,,To make it even worse,.......the MGB was also making funny rattling noise since we were fast losing gearbox oil too. (In fact, later we found out that the gearbox would had kaput if flown more than 3 - 5 minutes after our emergency landing at the airfield !)...phew OomakDatok !!.
,,,It does NOT ends there mate !!..upon landing as instructed the co-pilot jumped out of the Nuri side window to fight the fire at the rear from outside the chopper and I had to perform an emergency shut-down alone. The fire fighters arrived alongside and they sprayed foams at the rear, inside the cabin plus when they saw smoke from the engine exhausts due to the stray foams,,,,,,,,,,guess what ??,,,,,,,both the engines were foamed up !! So now we also lost two bloody good engines too .......while safely on the ground Geeee !!
,,,Well the co-pilot is still in the RMAF, you can ask him more about the incident-lah. Had a hard time coaching a turtleman with the likes of him too hehehe !!....but guess he made it, now a 'one or two star' Dato General Mat Sulong !! ......Yoooo.....good for you buddy...well done !.

October 11, 2009 10:02 AM
Capt's Longhouse said...

,,,,its the accessories gearing's at the rear of MGB that could cause such multiple-failures since the over heated bearings/gears would affect the others since they are grouped closely together-lah.
,,,we nearly lost the secondary hdy pump too, very very nearly and close to it! ...if that had happened it would be the end of Uban.
,,,the leaking MGB gearbox oil gave fuel for the fire and lucky me, the aluminium did not burnt out cos. the metal bearings were red hot.
,,,the foaming of the cabin area caused further damage to the AFCS controllers positioned at the bottom of the broom closet. This was again unfortunately only discovered many months later during its 1st test flight !. ( the flight controls went hay wired, moving on its own due to electrical shortings !!)
,,,so in future, don't take it too easy even for a single gene. failure yaa !!... if its the bearings not electrical causing its failure, don't continue flying as per checklist but land asap and check-out the primary cause of failure. (Electrical fire Vs Oil base fire smells different too.)

October 11, 2009 11:16 AM

The unreal world nowadays,,,,Geeee.

hi buddy,,,hahaha is there a real world out there ?.

,,,indeed, coz. there are plastics everywhere washed ashore on my island paradise everyday, yet we have only greens around !!.

,,,just feel sorry for the poor turtles, thinking its dinner of jelly fish but end up dead eating man mades !!.

,,,even the sun sets are not the same nowadays, funny haze/pollutions ?!;.........geeee !!

,,,Air pollution via our human introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere.

,,,Haze also via human untraditional, yet intentional change to atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky.

,,,Our earth's atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Don't we human cares about it ?..its almost too late !!

,,,Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's now here for good, unfortunately making things from bad to worse !!.

,,,hahaha..pls tell the real world its becoming so unreal !! yoo.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You can learn even from an Ant.

,,,,,,yummy !!....had that crazy Ant for Lunch hehehe !!!!


(,,, will like this,,,,,,, am pirate sure !! yooo buddy ...hehehe.!!)

...If they’re headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over, they’ll climb under, they’ll climb around.
...They keep looking for another way.
LESSON: To never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go.??.

,,,You can’t be so naïve as to think summer will last forever. So ants are gathering their winter food in the middle of summer.
,,, You’ve got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun.
LESSON: It is important to be realistic. Think ahead !!.

,,,During the winter, ants remind themselves, “This won’t last long; we’ll soon be out of here.” At the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they’ll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day.
LESSON: Stay positive at all times.

,,,How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All that he possibly can.
LESSON: Do all you can….and more!

,,,Never Give Up !!.. Look Ahead !!.. Stay Positive!!.. Do All You Can ??...
“Don’t be encumbered by history, just go out & do something wonderful”...Hohohoo !!!!

Just be like an ANT....its not that bad !! fact, its bloody GOOD !!.
BUT just watch out for 'Joe' the Snake too !! Yoooo.

Religions and my a buddy.

"Faith in GOD"

,,,,same here buddy, am not that religious too myself in practice but strong in faith in all religions in/across the world at large.
,,,for some practices, like meditation, yoga and vegetarianism, are undertaken for a spiritual purpose. This tends to be thought to characterize Eastern religion more than Western. Perhaps this comes from the perception that Eastern religion is more marked than Western religion by mysticism. This perception might be true to some degree,but even Western religious traditions that eschew mystical practices often have many practices and rituals which could count as a 'spiritual practice.'
,,,In any case, Western religions, speaking generally, tend to focus on professed theological ideas more than in the east. The Islamic salat, for example, confesses the shahada, and Christian prayer in its many forms often focuses on God, God's character, Christ, or the surroundings of the person praying.
,,,By contrast, Buddhist meditation focuses on deepening our experience and understanding of the mind or of Buddha, these things often being understood to be the same thing. In Zen practising koans focuses on the contemplation of unsolvable paradoxes as a tool for the emptying of the mind or no-self.
,,,am lucky in the sense that I was brought up in an open minded family, my dad sends all his children to various types of school, in my case to ASC Ipoh where-by I attended christian classes in the morning and islamic studies in the evening, it was not compulsory for me to attend the christian classes but was encouraged by my dad to learn other religions while at that tender age too !. There is a Hindu temple close to our home too and I was allowed to participate in many of their religious activities with my hindu friends. My mother's side of the family has Thai blood and some of her relatives are still Buddhist and I learn more about Buddhism too later in life for better appreciation of the good teachings of Lord Buddha too. In fact, I brought my wife to Bangkok way back in 1983 to study more about the teachings too. She studied in the Convent School in Alor Star, Kedah, as such is very open minded on religious matter, she is a very devoted Muslim both in ritual & practice as compared to myself-lah !.
,,,For all the troubles in the world, its the individual not the religion that causes trouble and hardship to fellow human beings. I silently hope and pray for all to open their hearts to GOD and to practise kindness to fellow beings/animals/plants and be greatful at all times while/for being born to taste the fresh air and sunshine as one live b4 one pass away finally.

,,,Life and living is/are very precious and time limited. Lets make the best of our day and have peace of mind and best of health always.
,,,One of my best of friends is a Jew and we don't have any issues regarding religion ?!.
,,,Mind you, am color blind too ,,,,,hahaha !!.,,,,,,perhaps an Adonist on an island in the middle of the South China Sea somewhere ?. hohohoo !!

Regards,,,,to your other half too yaa !!.
